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Myotonic Page Myotonic Sale Myotonic Kids back home

We are selectively adding "NEW" bloodlines into our Myotonic herd and are pleased
to present some of our new additions.

Click on Photos to See Larger Image

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RE Stretch x Gypsy Rose
Blue eyes

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RE Stretch
RE Socks x PSF Fainty Dainty
Blue eyes



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China Bear
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OverEZ Acres Splash of Elegance
Texas Star Bolo x AF Jackie Black


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No Knees Toastie
FA Fire Wind Dancer x No Knees Collette
Blue eyes
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RE Plain Jane
RE Pretty Boy x RE Mommie

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AF Valentine
AF Checkmate's Rook x AF Star Spangles
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Peggy Sue
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Come on in and visit a while and check out some of our breeding stock and kids. Visits in person to BTR are welcome too. Just drop us a line or give us a phone call to set up a convenient time.

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Bending Tree Ranch
Damascus, AR
Phone: 501-679-4936
Member American Boer Goat Assn, Arkansas Meat Goat Assn.
Arkansas Goat Producers Assn
Fullblood Boers, Myotonics, Tennessee Meat Goat's™,
TexMaster's™ and percentages